What is an alt tag?

know-how from A-Z

The alt tag is part of the HTML standard and is also known as the alt attribute. These attributes can be used to define the alternative text for images or graphics that are displayed on a website. The alternative text describes what exactly can be seen on the images.

This is useful for various purposes. For example, images become accessible for visually impaired people as screen readers can read out the information on the image using the alt tag. This improves the usability of the website.

Alt attributes are also used by web browsers if they are unable to interpret the images or graphics. Alt tags are important for SEO, as search engines cannot recognize image files as such. However, the crawler can utilize the alternative text of the images and thus interpret the page for the image search on Google and Co. and thus rank better. It is therefore very important for good on-page optimization to provide images with alternative texts.


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