Website relaunch with precision

Paul Horn GmbH is an innovation leader in tool manufacturing based in Tübingen. The collaboration began in 2021 and the international corporate website based on TYPO3 was launched the following year. The project focused on the strategic domain consolidation of several language versions, the development and integration of the intranet and the conceptualization and implementation of a sophisticated UX design.


Paul Horn GmbH

Industry sector

Precision tools


approx. 1,400


since 2021

Digital innovation

Once the digital ecosystem had been analyzed and a strategy developed, the digital information architecture was created. The user journey was analyzed, evaluated and a dedicated UX design was created based on this, as the user-friendliness of the website was a central component of the relaunch.

Project highlights

  • Strategic domain merging for a uniform presence of the country pages
  • Development and implementation of a dedicated intranet area within the TYPO3 instance
  • Development and implementation of the contact and customer number search

International B2B website

The relaunch focused primarily on internationalization, improving the user experience and integrating the intranet. Based on the user experience analysis, an international B2B website including responsive implementation was created and more effectively aligned with target group needs.

Further project goals:

- Improve the customer experience
- Increase the conversion rate
- Address target groups more precisely

High Performance Website

In order to further expand its technology and market leadership, the High Performance website has been taken to a new digital level and presents Paul Horn as a qualified manufacturer of precision tools.

Functionality meets design

  • Restructuring and update of the existing TYPO3 instance
  • Standardization of the domain and system landscape
  • Development and integration of the intranet
  • Development and connection of the contact and customer number search


As part of the internationalization strategy, a total of ten different language versions were successively implemented. The focus here was on the adaptation and targeted alignment of content and design so that cultural characteristics and preferences can be taken into account for each country page.
This has the advantage that local SEO measures for different countries and languages can be successfully implemented in the future to optimize local search results.

Furthermore, the international orientation of the website means that markets can be targeted with specific content, further strengthening market leadership.



A modern newsroom, including interfaces to relevant social media platforms or a digital magazine section, offers the potential to further optimize the user experience.

Digital HR

In order to present Paul Horn to the outside world as a modern employer, extensive employer branding measures and insights with added value for all professional groups are available.

Lead management

CRM connections, such as HubSpot, help with monitoring and reporting in various areas in order to optimize business processes and lead generation in the long term.

Project phases and their service components

Previous Next

Continuous relaunch

As an innovation and technology leader, Paul Horn attaches particular importance to the continuous technical, content and visual optimization of the website.
The aim is to ensure a consistently high level of quality as well as to adapt usability to changing trends and constantly improve it.


What a continuous relaunch is

Technical profile


The website is based on one of the leading CMS in Germany: TYPO3.

Learn more about TYPO3

Apache Solr Search

Solr Search delivers first-class document indexing, search suggest & smart faceting.

More about Apache Solr Search


Content dynamization and lead management with the help of 711media's LXP software.

Learn more about LXP


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