Relaunch of the corporate website

Project requirements Winterhalter

Conception, design and development of a corporate website based on TYPO3 as an information medium for new and existing customers, as well as a working tool for subsidiaries, dealers and partners, the press and external service providers.

  • Website rollout
    International website rollout with 93 country versions
  • SOLR Search
    Powerful Solr search engine including faceting and separate product presentation
  • Updates & security
    Continuous updates, security and performance (continuous relaunch)
  • SEO
    OnPage and OffPage search engine optimization for best findability
  • Continuous relaunch
    Continuous optimization of usability and content
  • Connections
    Digital asset management for the download area based on MAM, connection of Prescreen for the HR area including applicant management
  • LXP
    Integration of Leadexperience (LXP) for lead generation
  • Webanalytics
    Planning and development of a detailed KPI tracking concept and implementation based on Google Tag Manager

Result: Corporate website


With the relaunch project, Winterhalter's website was redesigned from scratch. The strategy for the relaunch was developed in workshops with Winterhalter employees from marketing and sales. On this basis, a new digital communication concept was created, which was rolled out internationally to all digital presences.

Parallelization of conception and development:

In addition to the high demands on quality and technology, the tight schedule was another challenge. In order to meet the implementation deadline of just nine months, it was necessary to parallelizedesign and development as far as possible. With a partially agile setup and intensive communication, the website was completed on time and initially went live for Germany and International (EN). The country roll-outs took place over the following 12 months.


After go-live, a total of 93 country pages were rolled out in 27 languages. The translations for the many country versions were partially automated using a TYPO3 extension developed by 711media specifically for this purpose, which directly links to the translation service provider.


Digitalization of the sales process

The expansion of the website with the Leadexperience (LXP) software developed by 711media ensures maximum effective lead generation. LXP is used to capture leads across all digital touchpoints. The leads are then scored automatically based on the behavior of visitors on the website and the company data in the background. Notifications can be sent automatically to the sales department for certain scores or leads can be forwarded to the CRM and processed. This means that no potential lead is lost.

Winterhalter also uses LXP to record industry-specific user behavior in real time and can evaluate this and draw conclusions for UX optimizations.

The scoring and sales processes were developed together with Winterhalter's sales team in a workshop. The data generated is used for ongoing optimization and to derive further measures and tasks. In further expansion stages, the software (LXP) also makes it possible to dynamically play out the appropriate content based on a company's attributes. This means that content can be adapted depending on the industry or key figures (such as company size), ensuring maximum relevance within the customer journey.


In order to make brochures, flyers, operating instructions and other documents available, the media database was connected via an interface and a rights and roles system. The aim was to enable users to find the required documents easily and efficiently without having to make changes to the data structure.

Continuous relaunch

The 711media "Continuous Relaunch" concept means: Digital remains flexible. A website does not become obsolete, it is constantly developed further, almost monthly. This approach eliminates the classic need for a new, comprehensive website relaunch and keeps the corporate website constantly up to date. The three areas of content, technology and user experience are constantly being developed.



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