
We are a certified silver partner

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The world of ecommerce has changed in recent years because online and offline commerce are merging more and more. Furthermore, the requirements of retailers are becoming ever more demanding due to innovative business models. This is precisely where Spryker Commerce OS comes in. Spryker's ecommerce system is particularly suitable for medium-sized and large companies with the aim of implementing individualized B2B business models.


Spryker Silver Partner

Ecommerce solutions
with Spryker

Spryker Cloud Commerce OS

Spryker Cloud Commerce OS is a fully modular commerce system that enables any purchase transaction with all current and future touchpoints.

  • Full access to all B2B and B2C features and capabilities
  • More than 900 modules for individual use
  • Choice between cloud or on-premise
  • Legacy or IoT integrations through GLUE API & LINK Middleware
  • Quick introduction via MVP
  • Optimizes TCO, TTM & ROI

Spryker Marketplace Suite

Other than conventional ecommerce platforms, a marketplace is managed by an operator and enables third parties to sell products and services. This is exactly where the Spryker Marketplace Suite comes in.

  • Marketplace as an easily scalable business model
  • Additional back office functionalities
  • Extensive functions, such as a brand new seller portal
  • Clear store integrations
  • Increased traffic through additional sellers

Spryker NOW

Spryker NOW is the ecommerce solution for faster market entry and direct-to-consumer commerce and is known for its easy extensibility and fast time-to-market approach.

  • Possible go-live in < 1 week
  • Scalable hosting in the cloud
  • 24/7 direct support from Spryker
  • DSGVO compliant
  • Use of all enterprise features of the B2B Spryker Commerce OS
  • Functionally expandable as required
  • Maximum flexibility through monthly payments

Are you looking for
a Spryker agency?

What makes Spryker different?

Spryker offers a flexible ecommerce system that quickly adapts to the constantly changing requirements in retail and on the market. By using APIs to link individual independent modules together, Spryker accomodates these changes brilliantely. At the same time, Spryker's ecommerce operating system is not tied to a specific front end and can therefore be used very flexibly. This is because Spryker understands that nowaday the web store is just one of many channels through which orders are placed. Spryker is therefore suitable for sophisticated and highly customized ecommerce projects.

SPRYKER ecommerce technology

With over 800 combinable modules, Spryker's ecommerce operating system promises maximum agility in the implementation of digital ordering and sales channels. Whether online store, marketplace or app – the platform enables each channel to be operated individually.

Maximum agility and speed

The "minimum viable product" is the preliminary but functional version of a product that can be used to collect user feedback and test its suitability. The resulting insight can be used to decide whether to invest further in the expansion of the product / idea, or to abandon it and concentrate on new, more promising ideas. Spryker's MVP approach enables maximum agility and speed in order to realize customer-centric, digital business models without long lead times.



Are you looking for a digital agency that can support you in the areas of strategy, digital brand management, user experience, e-commerce, online marketing and development?

Contact us or make an appointment directly for an initial consultation.

What are the advantages of Spryker?

Spryker's selection of basic modules, enables us as a certified Spryker partner to implement individual business processes and ecommerce requirements for our customers. For more complex requirements, we develop modules customized to the needs of our customers, which we can integrate seamlessly into Spryker's environment.


Advantage 1


The Spryker system allows you to implement individual requirements for your ecommerce project at any time. The more than 800 modules offer you all the functionalities you need for a successful ecommerce business.


Advantage 2


Spryker impresses with short development times and thus brings your ecommerce business model to market faster. Short-term challenges are no longer a problem and project difficulties can be resolved quickly.

Advantage 3


Integrate your required systems such as ERP, CMS or PIM with Spryker. All program interfaces run smoothly and highly efficiently with Spryker. 711media will assist you with system integration and set up the Spryker environment together with you.


Why can you rely on us for Spryker?

Whether for the development of B2B or B2C store systems: we have been supporting customers with extensive ecommerce projects for over 20 years. As a certified Spryker partner agency, we are able to implement your ecommerce project in an agile manner and in line with your goals. Fast innovation cycles, high flexibility, individual business processes. Our certified Spryker team and our more than 100 employees develop joint solutions with you to seamlessly migrate your complex systems to the Spryker Commerce OS system.

Our expertise in ONLINE MARKETING

Are you looking for a full-service agency? In addition to our services in the areas of development, digitalization, UI and UX design and ecommerce, our online marketing department implements extensive projects in search engine optimization, search engine advertising, content marketing and conversion optimization.

711media also works holistically in online marketing! To ensure the best possible search engine placement for your store, our in-house SEO experts provide support in the professional implementation of the store implementation.


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