Web analytics

Data collection, control & optimization

Free Initial consultation

"Web Analysis, also known as traffic analysis or Web controlling, serves to improve efficiency and monitor the long-term success of websites. It is a method of recording and evaluating information about the behavior of visitors, as well as calculating it into statistical data (KPIs)."

Source: Ryte Wiki, https://en.ryte.com/wiki/Webanalyse

Data-driven, efficient online marketing

What is web analytics for?

Does your target group interact with your website and can they find the information they are looking for?
We analyze conversion paths, customer journeys or simply put: all pages viewed by a relevant user.

We examine your target group on a channel-specific basis: whether the user found your company website via Google search results or via an advertisement placed by you. With the help of web analytics, you are able to evaluate from which source the visitor originated from and use this insight to maximum effect. Because only if you know the online behaviour of your target group can you successfully carry out successful SEO, SEA and social media marketing.


Are you looking for a digital agency that can support you in the areas of strategy, digital brand management, user experience, e-commerce, online marketing and development?

Contact us or make an appointment directly for an initial consultation.


Web analysis plan

The first step is to draw up a detailed web analysis plan, which requires a step-by-step approach:

1. what do you want to achieve with your website?

Without a defined goal, it is difficult to achieve it. However, when it comes to goal the views within the company can vary widely. It is therefore essential to create a common understanding must as to what the purpose of the webiste is and which goals to aim for with online marketing. This is a prerequisite for the targeted use of web analytics.

2. define key performance indicators (KPIs) and priorities

To define which KPI has priority it is helpful to be mindful that KPIs are never of equal value but need to be sorted according to their importance. It again comes down to defined goals which enable you to establish priorities, individual actions, key performance indicators and segments within the company or department.

3. reporting and preparing your data

Once the requirements and priorities have been decided on, it is equally important to prepare the data in an easily understandable way.

4. Ongoing development as the secret of success

Does the current reporting leave any questions open? A constant and ongiong development is essential in online marketing to ensure success. By analysing the results, optimising the KPIs and finding ways to improve – to find the key to success. 

Do you need help
with your web analytics?


Success control

Grounded analyses are the basis and success control of all measures in online marketing. The results of analyses can be used for optimization and thus for long-term improvement. 
As a web analytics agency, we view online marketing as a holistic process and see web analytics as an indispensable way of monitoring the success of all sub-areas, such as

SEO web analysis

Improve the quality of your SEO measures with the help of continuous web analysis. This includes not only monitoring your visibility, but also detailed analysis of the channels used in order to exhaust maximum potential.

SEA web analysis

In addition to SEOSEA (search engine advertising) is the most frequently used channel for reaching customers based on specific target groups. Web analysis helps us to facilitate the best results in SEA by monitoring your campaigns closely and optimizing where needed for more conversions

Social web analysis

Corporate communication via social media is now standard practice. This can involve communication with new employees, partner companies or potential new customers. Leads and conversions from social media can also be analyzed and optimized! We analyze wording, imagery, frequency and much more - to place your company at the top here too.

Content web analysis

Do you provide the content your target group is looking for? Suitable content is an important ranking factor and directly increases the conversion rate. We identify measures for content optimization and monitor the reach, the scroll paths of each page, as well as individually defined target projects of your company.



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