Neos CMS

The innovative CMS focussed on editors

The Neos CMS is one of the most user-friendly and powerful content management systems on the market. It offers you innovative solutions for the development of high-performance and clearly structured websites. Get the full range of services from our experienced Neos agency - from individual consulting to complex project implementation and hosting in compliance with the latest data protection regulations. We support you in the implementation of your Neos-based content management system and are at your side as a certified Neos partner.

What makes NEOS recommendable?

Neos as Open Source CMS

Neos has set itself the task of revolutionizing the management of web content. With its user-friendly interface for editors and a sophisticated system architecture, it impresses both editors and developers.

The modern architecture in combination with the Flow framework enables the development of one-pager websites, efficient hybrid website/web app solutions and more complex company or customer portals. Complex multi-site projects with functions such as a content hub for the distribution of information on other platforms can also be realized with this system.

Scalable CMS solution

From simple websites to multi-faceted corporate networks with linguistic and regional customization - Neos offers you a tailor-made web presence.

Simple content marketing

Neos is not only ideal as a website, but also as a holistic marketing platform with integrated blogs, online magazines for visual storytelling, eLearning and infotainment.

WYSIWYG Content Management

With the user-friendly WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) editing functions, you can quickly edit the content of your website without having to navigate through a complicated CMS backend.


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Neos: An innovation in content management and user experience

The strengths & advantages of Neos

With many content management systems, the focus can often stray to technical and administrative tasks. Neos, however, concentrates on the editors, who are ultimately the main user group of any CMS: Neos' authoring interface focuses on editors and their content.

The Neos CMS offers exceptional functional possibilities and maximum flexibility. For example, editors can use the simple drag & drop functions to move several pages to other areas of your website at the same time - with just one click.

  • Open source CMS, no license costs
  • Future-proof technology, cloud-ready
  • Integrated SEO tools
  • Worldwide Neos community
  • Easy content maintenance and operation for editors with the WYSIWYG editor
  • Convenient integration into third-party systems
  • Independence from third parties thanks to hardly any plugins required
  • Minimal training time for employees
  • Well thought-out multilingualism and country localization
  • Multichannel publishing
  • Sophisticated search function and filters with live search, autosuggest and Elasticsearch
  • Multi-level approval processes possible
  • Lower maintenance than other content management systems

Neos: The CMS that editors trust

Neos enables editors to edit content directly on the website. This gives them immediate visual feedback when editing content - without forms. They can use the editor to format text and implement SEO concepts. Neos also offers simple image management functions that make it easy to upload and edit images.

The user interface has been optimally designed to avoid distractions. With inline editing directly on the page, content maintenance is quick and stress-free, as is the onboarding of new editors and marketing staff. In addition, excellent SEO packages are available as well as customized social cards for each of your pages upon request.

NEos: Page management

Authors can navigate through the pages of the website via a document tree and get a complete overview of all paragraph elements on each page thanks to a content tree. The page views and the navigation tree are linked so that you can easily customize the expandable content elements. With this type of integration, you can easily edit content elements and new users can quickly find their way around the backend administration.

When it comes to managing websites, Neos CMS is similar to TYPO3's page tree. Using the page tree can have many advantages, such as simplifying and compressing editorial tasks as well as assigning menus and creating pages in a single step.

Neos: Search engine optimization

With Neos, optimizing your content for SEO is part of the workflow. The CMS offers you practical meta text fields and helpful SEO plugins - such as Yoast SEO. The SEO tools provide editors with helpful support and simplify the search engine optimization of your website. This means that even newcomers can intuitively find their way around the functions of this highly developed platform, while experienced users can access all the technical options for improving digital visibility.

As your digital agency, 711media offers you individual advice and support for search engine optimization in addition to the technical tools. Our SEO experts will answer your questions or help you with specific optimizations.


More about search engine optimization

Neos: Free plugins for individual needs

In cases where a plugin is needed, the Neos CMS as an open source content management system offers the possibility to use all available extensions absolutely free of charge. These extensions are called "packages" and can be easily installed with the Composer. Be it tools for newsletters, marketing extensions or extra functions for your website.

Nevertheless, the mass of extensions can quickly become overwhelming - as a Neos agency, we advise you on useful extensions, install them for you and help you with their first use.

Discover Neos extensions & plugins

Are you looking for a NEOS agency or do you need advice?

Neos as a TYPO3 alternative

The development of Neos as an open source "Content Application Platform" was originally based on a planned concept as TYPO3 version 5.0, which aimed to improve and modernize the code for the current and future use of TYPO3 . However, as the desired changes were more complicated than expected, the initiators of Neos chose an alternative path: starting from scratch, instead of relying on the existing TYPO3 code base, a new, encapsulated project evolved : Neos. The result was a newly created software platform known as TYPO3 Flow, which serves as the basis for the widely used application that is now often referred to by its acronym "TYPO3 Neos".

Although the Neos system initially had fewer functions than TYPO3, it has now become a real competitor for its more established counterpart. Proven TYPO3 functions such as multilingualism and multisites are supplemented with a highly intuitive user interface for editors - thus combining all the strengths of the two CMS systems.

As your digital agency, we will provide you with comprehensive advice on the various CMS options - together we will find the right content management system for your company.

which companies is the Neos CMS suitable for?

Neos is perfect for medium-sized and large companies as well as public institutions that need a versatile CMS. It offers features such as multi-domain support, country localization and language-specific options to meet all complex requirements. However, the functions of Neos go far beyond this. Our experts will be happy to advise you on which functions are best suited to your project.

Which companies use Neos?

With 711media From consulting to implementation

Your Neos agency

If you are interested in the Neos CMS, let us find out together whether it is right for your project. As part of our technology consulting, we analyze your specific needs in the initial phase and compare alternative systems such as TYPO3, First Spirit, IBEXA, or Contao based on your requirements.

  • Neos hosting and Neos update
  • Commissioning and installation
  • Optimal server configuration and environment
  • Performance optimization
  • Training for editors and admins
  • Connection of ERP systems, web stores, databases and other interfaces
  • Conception of your website based on the Neos CMS
  • Relaunch of your website on Neos
  • Creation of a digital strategy for marketing your Neos website
  • Online marketing for your company
  • Search engine optimization for Neos websites
  • Search engine advertising for Neos websites

At our location in Stuttgart, we offer Neos consulting services and complex store integrations with interfaces to your databases, merchandise management systems and other interfaces.

Are you interested in learning more about Neos? Do you need technical support to successfully implement your Neos project? We would be happy to accompany and advise you every step of the way!


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