Mapp Cloud

The number 1 for insight-based customer experiences

The Mapp Cloud supports brands and e-commerce providers in implementing highly individualized, cross-channel marketing campaigns based on data and insights available in real time.

What is Mapp Cloud?

The all-in-one platform Mapp was developed to give digital marketing experts and data specialists the freedom to do what they do best - develop big ideas and put them into action easily and efficiently without having to deal with the technology behind them. The insight-based approach makes it possible to look ahead. With Mapp Cloud, the customer journey can be decoded and the most valuable contacts can be addressed at any time.

What solutions does Mapp offer?



Analytics and insights

You will be supported in collecting valuable and robust insights using first-party data to understand and predict customer behavior.

Cross-channel personalization

A personalized customer experience can be realized through uniform customer profiles, whereby every touchpoint is taken into account.

Standardized customer profiles

You are provided with precise and immediately applicable insights that are bundled in the Customer Data Platform (CDP).


A continuous exchange with your customers is made possible. This allows you to implement an individual cross-channel strategy.


The Mapp Cloud can be easily integrated into existing marketing systems and data is exchanged via flexible APIs.


With the help of simple technologies, no-code solutions and AI, you can reduce the complexity of your projects to save time.

Your Mapp partner

The Mapp Cloud consists of three components: Mapp Intelligence, Mapp Engage and Mapp Acquire. As a Mapp partner, we not only advise you, but also use our expertise to help you find the optimal solution and, as a digital agency, seamlessly implement the premium tool according to your needs so that you can work smarter.

Mapp Intelligence

Mapp Intelligence taps into previously untapped data potential and generates forecasts on customer behavior by offering AI-supported customer insights, visual funnel analyses and a purchase and abandonment forecast, among other things. It is a good alternative to Google Analytics. You retain full ownership of the data in a GDPR-compliant manner, as the data centers are located in Germany.

Mapp Engage

Mapp Engage offers you simple ways to get in touch with customers via a cross-channel campaign. Various channels are used, such as email, mobile, web push, digital ads and direct mail.

Mapp Acquire

Mapp Acquire enables simple and intelligent targeting of new customers. It also helps to address customers online and achieve conversions. At the same time, data from existing customers can be enriched.


Are you looking for a digital agency that can support you in the areas of strategy, digital brand management, user experience, e-commerce, online marketing and development?

Contact us or make an appointment directly for an initial consultation.

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