Search engine optimization

Improvement, analysis and CONSULTATION

Free initial consultation

Search engine optimization, or SEO for short, is a key factor in optimizing your website and should therefore be considered and implemented for each company, location and country individually. As a SEO agency, we support you with our many years of experience and know-how.

Nowadays, a SEO strategy consists of more than just a few keywords. It is rather about knowing your target group and delivering the suitable content for every moment of the customer journey. Text content only has long since become obsolete in this context; instead, it's about creating holistic content that fulfills the user's search intentions. This includes images and tables as well as explanatory videos or store integrations. Technical optimizations and links to other websites complete the picture.

Search engine optimization of a website can therefore be complex. That's why you should rely on an experienced SEO agency like 711media. Our experts combine analytical skills, creativity and many years of experience to advise you individually from the outset, provide you with the best possible support and implement your requirements - for search engines and users all over the world.

Using search engine optimization to your advantage

SEO consultation, implementation & strategy

Search engine optimization is a decisive factor to being prominent for your target group and in being able to succeed against competitors in the long term. Regardless whether you have an online store or a large national or international website: our SEO experts will help you to increase the visibility and the associated ranking of your website.
From on-page and off-page optimization, technical and localSEO measures, to keyword analysis, link building and content creation. Together we create unique websites that attract attention!

SEO consultation

In order to achieve optimal SEO success and to better understand the current situation, company goals, products and services as well as the intended target group, our consulting includes, among other things

  • Kick-off meetings
  • Target groups and competitor analysis
  • Keyword research and analysis
  • (Technical) website analysis
  • Action planning

SEO strategy

We aim to strategically place your website in the best possible position in national and international search engines, and therefore our focus is on a SEO strategy tailored to your company. This includes

  • Technical SEO measures
  • Keyword set definition
  • Meta data optimization
  • Content planning
  • Link building measures

SEO support

As part of our SEO support, we place particular emphasis on your requirements and resources in order to work hand in hand with your online marketing department. This includes, for example

  • Monthly reporting
  • PageSpeed analyses
  • Workshops and training
  • Google account management
  • Local search engine optimization

Seo implementation

To maintain succesful, SEO measures should be carried out continuously. We help you with the implementation in whichever way works best for you. This includes, for example

  • Reviewing newly created content and landing pages
  • Proactive monitoring of optimization recommendations
  • Content creation
  • Content maintenance
  • Monthly analysis and recommendations for action



Are you looking for a digital agency that can support you in the areas of strategy, digital brand management, user experience, e-commerce, online marketing and development?

Contact us or make an appointment directly for an initial consultation.

Your success is our top priority

Holistic SEO optimization

Online marketing

We analyze your website in all important areas in order to optimally integrate your search engine optimization into your online marketing strategy and your external customer communication. Among other things, we consider

  • Consulting
  • support
  • Strategy & conception
  • Target groups & keyword analysis
  • and much more.


More about Online Marketing


A keyword analysis tailored to your company also serves as the basis for your search engine advertising. We consider important findings from our SEO analyses and support you with

  • Optimization of existing campaigns
  • Advice on channel & target group selection
  • Development of campaign concepts
  • Workshops for specialists
  • Management of existing and new campaigns


More about SEA

Social media marketing

Social signals influence the visibility and therefore the organic ranking of your website. As SEO experts, we advise and support you as part of a holistic approach, for example with

  • ACTUAL analyses of your social media profiles
  • Competitor analyses
  • Cross-channel target group analyses
  • Concept & strategy development
  • Social media campaign placement


More about Social Media Marketing

Web Analytics

SEO optimizations are based on traffic or web analyses and their evaluations. By recording and analyzing KPIs and by constantly monitoring and optimizing them, you improve your website's efficiency. We help you with:

  • User journey analysis
  • Organic, direct, referral & social traffic evaluations
  • Tracking of conversion paths
  • Customized reporting
  • and much more.


More about Web Analytics


Our references

Prominent thanks to SEO optimization

From Baidu to Yandex to Google SEO – our national and international clients know they can rely on our search engine optimization expertise. We use our transnational SEO know-how to increase the visibility of websites so that they can be found by your target group on all channels. From e-commerce stores based on Shopware or Magento to various CMS systems, we provide you with holistic support in search engine optimization and develop your individual potential.


As a premium supplier, tewipack Uhl GmbH offers its customers adhesive products of all kinds, which can be purchased in its own online store. As an SEO agency, we support and advise our long-standing customer with monthly SEO support. We were also able to implement the website relaunch from Contao to TYPO3 in 2022.

  • Optimization of the texts
  • Creation of new texts
  • Ongoing optimization of the metadata
  • Technical support
  • Monthly reporting


Binder GmbH is the world's largest specialist for simulation cabinets and is supported by 711media for search engine optimization. In addition to comprehensive content optimization, we also helped with the following aspects of this project:

  • Comprehensive SEO consulting
  • Writing the metadata
  • Optimization of the texts
  • Creation of new texts

Looking for

Our services

More than just a SEO agency

SEO measures, i.e. website or keyword analyses, are an integral part of a holistic SEO and online marketing strategy. In combination it is essential to be placed visibly for your tagret group to easily find you across all channels.

However, in order for you to hold your own against competitors in the long run, you also need agile trend adjustments, trust building and the right content management system tailored to your needs. We are happy to advise you on popular solutions such as TYPO3 or Contao, but also have expertise in systems such as Ibexa, FirstSpirit or NEOS.

In everything we do, we focus on a holistic approach, transparency and open and honest communication in order to best combine optimization potential with your requirements, to strengthen your customer loyalty and to achieve your corporate goals.

SEO consultation for your company

We understand search engine optimization as an interplay of technology, content and analysis. Without the right analysis, the best strategy does little good. That's why we put your company to the test before the actual search engine optimization starts. We analyze the existing rankings, your competition and the technical condition of your website. From this, we repeatedly derive recommendations for action which we present to you in workshops and reports. During this process, we are always happy to advise your marketing team on various aspects of search engine optimization.


Keyword analysis

During a detailed keyword analysis, relevant search terms are determined specifically for your business model. In addition to common SEO software, the company's internal keyword potential is also queried from employees, partners and suppliers. The defined keyword set can be used for optimizing existing pages, finding topics for expanding your website or for use in SEA campaigns.

Competitor analysis

The competitor analysis looks at and evaluates relevant competitors. The visibility, keyword profile and technical aspects of each competitor are considered in order to generate possible best practice examples and suggestions that can be helpful in the subsequent search engine optimization.

Website analysis

To get an initial overview, your website is analyzed from various points of view:

  • Web analysis
    Web analysis collectsinformation about the visitor behavior of your website. This information can be used to identify weaknesses in the website and improve its efficiency.
  • On-page
    From technology and performance to internal links and loading speed, the main aspects for future search engine optimization arerecordedhere.
  • Off-page
    An analysis of the external influences on your website. The number and evaluation of your website's backlinks.
  • Content
    Duplicates, heading structures, the use of keywords and much more are checked for search engine friendliness as part of the content analysis.
  • Usability
    Usability is an important aspect of keeping users on your website. UX and UI design also play an important role in search engine optimization. We look at the user interface under different use cases and record optimization suggestions based on scenarios.
  • Social media
    If your company also communicates via social media, your presence and the effect it has on users will be examined and you will receive feedback on this. Our social media marketing experts are also available to provide you with further advice.

SEO analysis workshop

Once the analysis has been completed and we have received your feedback, we review the results and recommendations together with you. Following this, we discuss formats and packages of measures for possible future collaborations. 

Monthly SEO reporting

To make the success of the implemented SEO measures quantifiable, we offer a monthly reporting with all the KPIs you have defined. Thanks to our precise web analytics techniques, you are able to further track your success in detail.


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