
Sophisticated ecommerce solutions

Free consultation

Are you interested in a Magento store and need an agency to help you create and maintain it? Or do you already have a Magento store but need extensions or training for yourself or your team? Then 711media is the right agency for you!

Our team of experts specializes in Magento store systems and can offer you suitable solutions for all your questions and challenges. As a Magento partner, we have both technical expertise in the implementation of Magento online stores, as well as an experienced UI and UX team and search engine optimization specialists who will ensure that your customers find your store and have a pleasant shopping experience.

in Stuttgart and all over the world 

Your ecommerce partner for Magento

Our certified developers create both multi- and omnichannel stores that meet the requirements of companies in terms of performance, stability and security. As a digital agency based in Stuttgart, we support you in all phases of development: from the conception and strategic implementation of your ideas to technical development, hosting and successful marketing. Let our experts help you make the most of your business potential by providing you with expert support and guidance on the path to digitalization!


The Magento 2 update introduced in 2015 is fundamentally different from its predecessor. It has a new software architecture and an expanded focus on enterprise and B2B commerce. With our help, your store will be at the cutting edge of technology.

MAGENTO Extensions

With over 3,000 Magento 2 extensions available, the integration of Google tools and store functions into your online store is seamless. 


We combine your merchandise management system and your Magento ecommerce platform according to your individual requirements. Gain access to all your data in one central hub to have a comprehensive overview at all times.


Manage your product data even more efficiently by linking your Product Information Management (PIM) system with your Magento commerce solution. We support you with the integration and ensure that both systems work together seamlessly.


Are you looking for a digital agency that can support you in the areas of strategy, digital brand management, user experience, e-commerce, online marketing and development?

Contact us or make an appointment directly for an initial consultation.

What speaks for the Magento store solution and how we can support you

What speaks for Magento as a CMS?

As the world's leading ecommerce system, Magento is now used by the 1,000 largest German online stores and has a 30% market share worldwide.

Magento was developed specifically for the operation of online stores and can therefore be easily scaled to meet growing store requirements. The modularity of the open source system (license-free version) enables users and developers to expand the system based on their needs, making this platform suitable for companies of all sizes. Your company benefits from almost unlimited growth capacity that grows and develops in line with your digital successes.

The large selection of Magento extensions ensures that you can map and use a wide range of functions. And if one does not yet exist, we, as your digital agency, will develop customized extensions for your Magento store. Magento also offers extensive analysis tools that allow the store operator to keep an eye on important KPI such as conversion rates, visitor numbers and sales figures. Overall, Magento offers a wide range of functions that make it a powerful CMS system for online stores.


Advantages of a Magento store system

  • Multi-store:
    Possibility to set up several stores within one installation
  • Open source version:
    Free available source code
  • Security:
    Continuous testing for security vulnerabilities
  • Intuitive:
    Uncomplicated, intuitive product maintenance
  • Scalability:
    Future-proof to meet potential higher requirements
  • Flexibility:
    A variety of extensions and add-ons
  • Analytics:
    Magento's own analytics tools
  • SEO:
    SEO-friendly functions

Magento Commerce is now Adobe Commerce

Adobe Commerce

Adobe acquired the extended and paid version of Magento Commerce in 2018 and now operates the system under the name"Adobe Commerce". Adobe has integrated the platform into its Adobe Experience Cloud to provide a comprehensive range of ecommerce solutions for businesses.

The acquisition of Magento by Adobe offers a number of benefits, including

  • Expanded ecommerce offering: by integrating Magento into the Adobe ecosystem, Adobe can now offer a more comprehensive range of ecommerce solutions, including a complete platform for online commerce.
  • Stronger marketing capabilities: By combining Adobe and Magento's marketing and ecommerce tools, organizations can better align their marketing campaigns with their ecommerce goals and develop more effective marketing strategies.
  • Greater scalability: Magento is known for its scalability and performance. Thanks to the integrating into the Adobe Cloud infrastructure, organizations can scale their ecommerce platforms in a faster, more efficient and more secure way.
  • Access to Adobe tools: Magento customers now have access to Adobe's extensive tools and resources, including analytics tools, AI technologies and marketing platforms that can help them grow their business.
  • Integration: Adobe Commerce or Magento can be seamlessly integrated with other Adobe products such as Adobe Experience Manager and Adobe Analytics, resulting in a consistent customer experience.


However, it is important to note that the pros and cons of Adobe Commerce can vary from organization to organization, depending on individual business needs and goals. As a Magento agency, 711media helps you to fully utilize the potential of Magento as a store system. With our help, we develop and optimize your online store so that it perfectly reflects your ideas.

Are you looking for a Magento agency or do you need advice?

711media Magento Agency

Your Magento store project with 711media

At 711media, we thoroughly analyze your needs at the start of the project, which allows us to find the ideal store system that is tailored to your goals and ambitions. By laying this solid foundation, you can grow continuously while ensuring that future resource bottlenecks are avoided.

Our clients rely on our years of experience with the ecommerce platform Magento, as well as in the areas of usability and online marketing. In addition, we actively contribute to the growth of Magento through our role as a Contribution Partner and Maintainer – in other words, we help shape the future of this world-leading ecommerce provider!


Step 1

Initial meeting

We want you to get an idea of who we are and what we do. That's why we begin with a non-binding initial meeting. This allows you to get to know us and us to get a picture of your store project goals.


Step 2


In a collaborative process, we create an offer that is specifically tailored to the needs of your Magento store.


Step 3


If you accept our offer for your Magento store, we will initiate the development process with our interdisciplinary team and work in close coordination with you.


Step 4

Store launch

Your ecommerce store is ready for launch! But we don't just help you up to this point. Even after the launch, our team will take care of advising you and maintaining the store.


Our Magento projects

With a rangr from more than 150 language packages and local system integrators to regional extensions, currencies and payment methods – open up the international market with your Magento store and multiply your chances of new customers, more awareness and higher sales!

As a digital partner, we support your company in its further development, scaling and internationalization. 711media offers you the benefit of years of experience as a Magento agency. For the digital competitive advantage that sets your company apart from the competition. As a digital agency, we are also happy to support you in the areas of SEO, SEA and social media marketing.


Storz & Bickel GmbH is the world market leader in the field of electronically controlled evaporators. Founded in Tuttlingen in 2000, Storz & Bickel now sells in more than 50 markets worldwide. 711media supports Storz & Bickel in continuing this success story digitally.

  • Magento store system / CMS
  • Magento GEO IP Detection
  • Magento individual API interfaces
  • Magento Return Management System
  • Magento internationalization EU, US, CA


Feinkost Böhm GmbH is a Stuttgart-based delicatessen grocery store with 170 employees and has over 1400m² in its flagship store in Stuttgart city center.

  • Magento store system / CMS
  • Extended Magento CMS extension
  • Magento connection of gift vouchers to the local checkout system
  • Magento implementation of a
    individual delivery service

Frequently asked questions about the Magento web store system

What is the difference between Magento & Magento Commerce?

Magento is a free, open-source ecommerce platform that enables businesses to build and run online stores. Magento Commerce (Adobe Commerce), on the other hand, is an advanced, paid version of Magento and offers greater scalability and support compared to the open-source version of Magento. Therefore, Magento Commerce is especially suitable for companies that need more features and support. Magento Commerce offers a more comprehensive range of features, including advanced tools for marketing, customer engagement, inventory and stock management, personalization as well as customer analytics. There are also a variety of advanced features geared towards the needs of B2B companies, such as specialized tools for pricing and quote management.

Is Magento the right choice for my business?

Whether Magento is the right choice for your business depends on a number of factors, such as your specific requirements, goals, budget and resources. Magento is a powerful and flexible ecommerce platform. With its many features and capabilities, it is ideal for professional use – including both multi- and omnichannel stores – and represents an industry standard for large-scale B2B and B2C ecommerce projects. Companies that opt for a Magento solution are investing in forward-looking technology and ensuring sustainable growth.

If your company has a large product range and requires many features such as extensive discounts, options for customer-specific configurations and personalized customer accounts, Magento could be a good choice for you. However, Magento also requires technical knowledge to use it effectively. If you don't have a developer on your team who knows Magento, you may need to hire external developers to develop and maintain your website.

Who is Magento not suitable for as a store system?

Magento is not the ideal choice for those who are just starting out in ecommerce and want to find out if it is a viable option. Magento is a very powerful system that offers many features and options. However, for smaller businesses this can be overwhelming and they may prefer a simpler system that offers fewer features. Magento can be a good investment if you have the budget. However, if your budget is limited, it can be difficult to cover the costs of Magento development and maintenance.

Overall, Magento is a very powerful ecommerce platform, but it's important to carefully evaluate your specific needs and resources to decide if it's the right choice for your business.

More about ecommerce systems

How long does it take to develop a Magento store?

The duration of the development of a Magento store depends on various factors, such as the scope of the project, the specific requirements of the customer and the technical expertise of the development team.
Generally, the development of a simple Magento store that contains only a few products and uses a standard theme can be completed within a few weeks. However, a more complex project that requires the integration of several thousand products, individual functions or a special requirements can take several months. The time required therefore depends on the size and complexity of the project, as well as any previously set deadlines.

It is important to note that the development of a Magento store not only includes the actual programming, but also includes planning, design, integration of payment gateways, setting up shipping options and much more. Depending on the complexity of the project, this can take additional time.

Thorough planning and communication between the client and the agency can help speed up the development process and ensure that the project is completed on time and within budget.

Is SEO important for my ecommerce success?

Yes, search engine optimization is extremely important for the success of an ecommerce business. Through SEO, you can ensure that your website ranks well in the search results of search engines such as Google or Bing when potential customers search for products you sell.

A good SEO strategy will help you increase your visibility and customer reach by optimizing your website for relevant search terms and ensuring that your products appear in search results. This can help drive more qualified visitors to your website and encourage them to purchase your products.

There are many factors that should be considered when it comes to SEO optimization, including choosing the right keywords, optimizing your product pages, creating high-quality content and improving the technical aspects of your website. However, it is important to note that SEO is an ongoing process and requires regular adjustments and updates to ensure that your website remains relevant to the search engines.

Overall, SEO is an important part of any ecommerce strategy and can help your business compete successfully. At 711media, as a full-service agency, we have experts from a wide range of digitalization fields to support you. Our team of SEO experts will be happy to advise and support you with the search engine optimization of your online store.

More about search engine optimization

Are Magento agencies necessary for store implementation?

Without sufficient programming knowledge, online retailers will have difficulties adapting and configuring the  Magento ecommerce solution. Both individual functions and the integration of your own corporate identity into the store design can be difficult for those who are not familiar with programming.
If your company does not have the technical know-how required to use Magento as an ecommerce software, you should certainly consider partnering with a Magento agency. This way you can be sure that your project is in good hands and will lead to success. With a professional partner at your side, you will receive customized solutions for your business model and won't have to settle for standard solutions.

Cooperation with 711media

we focus on good communication

Planning, controlling and monitoring – our certified project managers are available to you at all times. At 711media, internal cooperation is characterized by individual workshops, project plans, help desks managed jointly with the customer and fixed substitution arrangements, in case of holidays or illness of your contact person – to name just a few of the many points that are a given for us within the project organization.

If you are looking for a Magento agency to make use of all the potential that ecommerce offers you, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!



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