Tunneling 4.0:

Herrenknecht AG launches website for a digital future

Herrenknecht AG, the global market leader for mechanical tunnel boring technology, has trusted 711media as its digital lead agency since 2017. With the relaunch of the corporate website, based on the leading CMS TYPO3, as well as content dynamization and an integrated lead management solution, the brand communication for various customer needs was taken to a new level. A dedicated tracking concept also actively supports the continuous and sustainable optimization of the traditional company's website.


Herrenknecht AG

Industry sector

Mechanical engineering


approx. 5,000


since 2017

Inform, Involve, Inspire

With a forward-looking B2B website, the world market leader in mechanized tunnelling technology presents itself with an outstanding product portfolio and inspiring customer use cases to bring its customers' individual projects to life. The website is designed to ensure a first-class user experience while conveying the company's expertise and innovation.

Project highlights

  • Implementation of B2B content dynamization and an integrated lead management solution
  • Dedicated UX concept incl. wireframe creation and personas development in cooperation with D3
  • Setting up a detailed tracking concept with clearly defined KPIs including management reporting

Out of the black box

The website relaunch had primary goals, such as developing a deep understanding of the behavior of B2B visitors. With the help of clear tracking data and customer insight-based tracking based on the LXP lead management solution, the continuous optimization of the website is ensured. By analyzing this information, insights could be gained and targeted measures derived to improve the user experience and make the website more effective. This led to higher user satisfaction, an improved conversion rate and positive business results.

Due to the wide range of data, supplemented by a customized lead management concept, industry and company-specific insights are obtained and taken into account accordingly in content dynamization.

The world of tunnel construction

The new corporate website as a digital service platform presents Herrenknecht as a qualified project partner with many years of expertise.

Concept in interaction with design

  • Detailed target group analysis & persona development as the basis for interactive wireframes and user flows
  • Creation of a modular UX / UI design system incl. responsive implementation
  • Development of a variety of individual content elements for a unique user experience
  • Seamlessly integrated, full-surface image and video formats bring the website to life with a strong emotional impact


Content Dynamization

The 711media software Leadexperience (LXP) is a software solution that helps companies to identify potential customers on their website. By using a tracking code, LXP collects data about visitors, including their IP address and visitor behavior. Using this data and a company database, LXP can identify the name and contact details of the visiting company. This allows targeted leads to be generated and sales efforts to be optimized.


Career area

Extensive employer branding measures to present Herrenknecht to the outside world as a modern employer and to provide insights with added value for all professional groups.


Individual data collection

A comprehensive keyword analysis revealed content gaps that could be closed during the relaunch with the help of new content. It was also important to be able to map the user journey in order to derive optimizations even after the relaunch. This data is also used to create dynamic content.

Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager and Crazy Egg were also implemented.

Further features


Development of a modern newsroom including interfaces to relevant social media platforms.

Lead Management

LXP integration to fully exploit and optimize sales opportunities.


International high performance website through Cloudflare usage (CDN).


Since the relaunch was implemented, the targets set have been achieved and success measured.

34 %

lower bounce rate

30 %

longer session duration


new top 10 keywords

Project phases and their service components

Previous Next

Continuous relaunch

Herrenknecht, as a global player, relies on the continuous optimization of its website. Extensive tracking is used to analyze and evaluate data in order to derive measures. This ensures that the website always has a high level of quality, that the content management system (CMS) is always up to date and that usability is continuously improved. In addition, this enables rapid adaptation to changing trends, guarantees good projectability and ensures the sustainability of the investment.


What a continuous relaunch is

Technical profile


TYPO3, one of the leading CMS in Germany, forms the basis of the corporate website.

More about TYPO3

Apache Solr

Search Suggest, smart faceting and document indexing take Solr search to a new level.

More about Apache Solr Search


Content dynamization and lead management with the help of 711media's LXP software.

Learn more about LXP


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