What is a
Continuous Relaunch?

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A continuous relaunch describes the process in which a website is kept up to date or optimized by means of constant, smaller adjustments. In contrast to a classic website relaunch, which usually takes place in one large step at a specific point in time, a continuous relaunch gradually develops smaller components of the website within an ongoing process.

Many companies now rely on this agile method, which is also referred to as a continuous relaunch, particularly due to the fast pace of the internet. Ideally, innovations are first tested directly on users. However, the basic prerequisite for carrying out a continuous relaunch is a flexible and technically flawlessly functioning content management system. Without the necessary flexibility, an outdated design or missing functions, a classic relaunch should be considered.

A classic website relaunch has the advantage that a budget is set once and the website is planned through from conception to the final go-live and defined tasks are completed. This fundamentally renews the website - both technically and visually. However, since such a relaunch often lasts for many months, the problem can arise that after the relaunch the website is already outdated in certain aspects and therefore lags behind the competition in terms of design and technology. This is known as an innovation gap.

With a continuous relaunch, this innovation gap is counteracted by constant improvements to the website. As the website is continuously kept up to date, there are further advantages:

  1. Website rankings can be maintained because, compared to a classic relaunch, only individual areas are gradually adjusted and therefore, for example, not so much website content changes at once or entire URLs change, which often causes a ranking to plummet.
  2. As humans are creatures of habit, loyal website users are often overwhelmed by a hard relaunch and no longer find their way around the website straight away, which can cause user numbers to plummet. This problem is also counteracted by constant small changes.
  3. New trends and market developments can be responded to on an ad hoc basis.
  4. Risks and errors can be minimized through partial steps, thus saving costs and time.


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