What is First Click Attribution?

know-how from A-Z

The First Click Attribution Model is an attribution model and is also known as the First Interaction Model. Attribution models are a group of rules or individual rules that assign different values for sales and conversions to the various touchpoints of the customer journey.

Strictly speaking, the first click attribution model is a single source attribution model, as it only assigns the full value to the first touchpoint. This means that with first click attribution, 100% of the value is assigned to the clicks or touchpoints that triggered the customer journey. The focus is therefore on particularly quickly clicked posts or posts that have generated a high level of attention. No attention is paid to any other touchpoints between the first click and the conversion.

The First Interaction Attribution Model therefore has both advantages and disadvantages:

  • Advantages
    In general, the model is straightforward and very simple. It can also be helpful when it comes to short purchase cycles or when customers tend to convert faster, for example, and therefore place particular value on the first touchpoint. The model is also well suited to campaigns designed to increase product awareness.
  • Disadvantages
    The main disadvantage of the model is its inaccuracy. By ignoring all touchpoints that occur after the first click and conversion, the effects of potentially important marketing channels are also ignored.


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