What is a URL?

KNow-how from A-Z

Uniform Resource Locator, or URL for short, is generally understood to mean an Internet address or web address. These are usually URLs of websites that can be called up in a web browser.

In the simplest description, a URL is made up of several components:

  • Protocol (e.g. https://, ftp://)
  • Domain/server name or IP address
  • File path, which can have several directories

The terms domain and URL are often used synonymously. However, a URL consists of the domain name and the path, whereas the domain is merely the name of an area in the Domain Name System (DNS).

1. example URL: www.711media.de

2. example domain: 711media.de

URLs are also an important aspect for SEO, as they reflect the architecture of the website. If possible, so-called speaking URLs should be used. These are particularly in the focus of search engines. Speaking URLs consist of readable words and thus lead to more trust and increase the click rate, as users directly recognize what they can expect on the website.


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