What are ads?

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So-called ads (short for advertising) refer to advertisements of any form and usually contain information about a service, a product or an app.

The best-known forms include

  • Banner ads
    Banner ads are also known as display ads. Nowadays, these are usually graphic or animation files in HTML or JPEG format. Banner ads are usually positioned at the top of a website, which makes them very eye-catching, or they are displayed on the Internet as part of Google Display Ads, i.e. paid advertising.
  • Video Ads
    Video advertising is classic display advertising using a video. These are usually advertisements that are displayed before, during and/or after a video on platforms such as YouTube.
  • Email advertising
    Email advertising is also known as inbox advertising and is only permitted if the advertising company has received express permission from the addressee in advance. For example, by subscribing to a newsletter, you will then receive sale offers or information on certain promotions from the company in question.
  • Text link
    The so-called text link is an advertising message that is embedded in a text on the website and refers to the corresponding offer. As a result, the text link is often not directly recognized as an advertisement.


Ads on the Internet are particularly advantageous because the ads can be adapted to a specific target group and the success of the online campaigns can be evaluated with the help of key figures such as the CTR or conversion rate. In general, the aim of ads is to draw people's attention to a product, brand or service. The ads should lead to user interaction with the brand and encourage a purchase.


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