What is a persona?

Know-how from A-Z

Personas (Latin for mask) characterize the features of people in the respective target group. They are also known as buyer personas and represent fictitious users, for example of a website or app.

The basis for the creation of personas is qualitative and quantitative data, which is generated, for example, by means of surveys, interviews, user data from website analyses or internal knowledge.

In the field of online marketing, for example, personas should reflect potential website visitors in the best possible way in order to write texts tailored to them, among other things. Other scenarios in which buyer personas play an important role include the development of apps or before a website relaunch, where UX and UI designers can use these fictitious characters to put themselves in their shoes and create a new design.

To create these personas, demographic characteristics are mapped on the one hand, such as

  • age
  • gender
  • occupation
  • education
  • Etc.

In order to represent different user types of the target group, personas are also added to factors such as wishes, goals or motivations in order to best correspond to a real person in a target group.

The aim is to recognize the expectations, goals and needs of the target group in order to create an optimal product or service. Personas also help companies to not only pay attention to the numbers in the development process, but to always keep the target group in mind.


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