What is social media marketing?

Know-how from A-Z

Social media marketing is part of online marketing and includes all measures in social networks that help a company to achieve its own corporate goals.

As social platforms are no longer exclusively visited by younger users, older people are also increasingly becoming part of the target group. This gives companies the opportunity to reach different groups of people on a social network at the same time.

The goals of social media marketing are, for example

  1. Brand building by generating potential leads and creating reach
  2. Customer loyalty
  3. The sale of services or products

Targeting is a decisive factor in social media marketing in order to achieve these goals in the best possible way, as different target groups use different social networks. The best-known social media networks currently include

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • Twitter
  • TikTok
  • LinkedIn
  • Xing

Factors such as subject areas, content, technology, regions and legal provisions should therefore be taken into account when selecting the right platforms.

Social media marketing therefore refers to the creation of content for different social networks and relates to organic - non-paid - content. Social media advertising, which refers to the creation of campaigns, must be distinguished from this.


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