What is video SEO?

Know-How from A-Z

Click here for the OMT article by Online Marketing Manager Larissa Munzig

Video SEO refers to various aspects of video optimization. Videos embedded on websites with the help of iframes are optimized for search engines. Nowadays, video SEO and YouTube SEO are usually used synonymously, but they are fundamentally different.

The advantage of videos over text is that they are easier to consume. They are therefore becoming increasingly important. With video SEO, care should be taken to optimize not only the video itself, but also the website on which the video is embedded.

However, the disadvantage is that search engines cannot read videos as they can with text, so meta data is used for video SEO. In particular, the title and description of videos are optimized, but markups can also play a role in drawing conclusions about the content.

The embedding of the video itself is also important, so care should be taken to ensure that the text surrounding the video is optimized and matches the video. Technical requirements for video SEO are mobile optimization, suitable video formats, video size and the video sitemap.

Embedded videos, such as explanatory videos, image films or product videos, can increase the relevance of the content and at the same time search engines rate video material on websites positively.

In addition, the dwell time of website visitors can be increased by interesting videos that provide added value. This increases the chances of the website being linked to or shared, which in turn has a positive effect on overall search engine optimization (SEO).

Positive effects on search engine optimization can also arise, as frequently clicked YouTube clips and the links stored there increase the attractiveness of a website, thereby leading to more traffic on the website and at the same time increasing visibility in the SERPs.


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