What is WordPress?

Know-HOw from A-Z

WordPress is one of the most widely used content management systems. It is particularly popular due to its ease of use and the fact that it is free of charge, as no programming knowledge is required to create and manage a website with this CMS.

WordPress is based on the PHP scripting language and has various basic functions that can also be found in other CMSs. These include the use of tags, self-defined taxonomies and meta data.

According to its own statement, WordPress attaches great importance to user-friendliness, easy customizability and web standards, for example. Originally developed to create a more user-friendly and flexible CMS for bloggers, a large number of WordPress sites can now be created using this CMS:

As an open source project, WordPress can be expanded into a fully-fledged CMS with a variety of plug-ins, themes, user role management and much more. Independently of this, you can create your own designs and templates using a simple drag-and-drop modular system.

Alternative content management systems are, for example, Contao, TYPO3, Ibexa or FirstSpirit.


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