What is TYPO3?

Know-how from A-Z

TYPO3 is a free content management system that was developed by Kasper Skårhøj in 1997. The scripting language PHP forms the core, whereby the output is done in the browser using HTML and JavaScript and no special software is required.

The TYPO3 CMS consists of two components, the frontend and the backend. The frontend view represents the finished website and can therefore be viewed by all website visitors who call up the address. Although the backend is also displayed in the browser, it is available to editors, developers or website owners, for example, to edit content, which is then displayed in the frontend.

In contrast to other content management systems, TYPO3 does not have its own support service. However, various solutions can be found in various forums that deal specifically with TYPO3 problems. There is also official TYPO3 documentation which can be consulted.

Since every CMS is the basis of a good website, there are a variety of them, which are suitable for different target groups depending on their use. Alternatives to TYPO3 CMS include FirstSpirit, Ibexa, Contao and WordPress.


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