What is a compound keyword?

know-how from A-Z

Compound keywords describe search terms that consist of brand keywords and money keywords. They therefore refer to several search intentions at the same time. The combination of these keywords makes it clear that a user wants to purchase a specific product from a specific manufacturer.

Brand keywords would be, for example

  • Apple
  • Nike
  • BMW
  • etc.


Money keywords, also known as commercial keywords, on the other hand, refer to a specific action, such as:

  • Rent a cell phone
  • Buy a bag
  • Rent a car
  • etc.


Users therefore combine a brand they already know, the brand keyword, with a mostly specific purchase intention, the money keyword. This results in the following compound keywords, for example:

  • Apple cell phone rental
  • Buy Nike bag
  • Rent a BMW car
  • etc.


Such keywords, which are identified by means of a keyword analysis, play a decisive role in online marketing. On the one hand, in the area of search engine optimization (SEO), website content can be adapted according to the identified keywords so that the ranking of the website is improved. On the other hand, search engine advertising (SEA) campaigns are run with the keywords found and determined to be relevant.


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