What is a user experience?

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In online marketing, " user experience" ( UX) encompasses the entirety of a user's experience with a website and includes the components of accessibility, aesthetics and usability and is a subjective expectation.

Despite the subjectivity of the user experience, it can be analyzed using scientific methods. Hard factors are, for example, loading time, availability or responsive design. Soft factors, such as the perception of the simplicity of navigation or the appearance of a website, are more difficult to identify. Survey methods such as eye tracking or interviews are used for this purpose.

Whether user experience plays a role in search engine optimization (SEO) cannot be confirmed beyond doubt. However, it is assumed that it has an indirect influence on the ranking through KPIs such as dwell time. In addition to the user experience, the so-called user interface can also indirectly influence the success of a page in the SERPs.


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