What is usability?

Know-how from A-Z

The term usability generally describes the suitability for use of a digital product, such as software or a web application.

Usability is defined according to the ISO standard DIN EN ISO 9241 as "the extent to which a product can be used by specific users in a specific context of use in order to achieve specific goals effectively, efficiently and satisfactorily".

Usability therefore encompasses the actual use and is part of the user experience (UX), which covers the entire experience that a user has with a product.

Good usability is important for many reasons. On the one hand, time and costs can be saved if user requirements are taken into account before a product is implemented, as development and implementation costs and effort can be kept to a minimum. On the other hand, the more intuitive a product is for users, the lower the support costs. This means, for example, that training time and queries can be kept to a minimum. Good usability also promotes customer loyalty. If products help to achieve goals effectively, efficiently and satisfactorily, customers have a positive perception of the product and therefore also of the brand. Satisfied customers are therefore more likely to remain loyal to a company and are also more likely to buy future products.

Usability for websites plays a major role in online marketing, as long website loading times, for example, frustrate users, causing them to leave the site and increasing the bounce rate. Usability optimization options include short loading times (page speed), speaking URLs, a strong contrast between font and background or clearly designed texts and images so that content is more easily perceived, as well as barrier-free use of the website.

The goals of good usability are therefore, for example, conversion rate optimization (CRO), an increase in backlinks and a reduction in the bounce rate.


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