As already mentioned in our blog article "Internationalization of websites - an overview", there are several steps that need to be taken before or as part of the internationalization strategy before the actual implementation begins.

In this blog article, we specifically address the 5 phases that need to be completed when implementing an international website in order to establish it successfully.



Some may wonder why a concept and associated phase model is needed to internationalize the website and why it is not possible to "just get started". The reasons for an internationalization strategy may sound banal, but they should by no means be underestimated:

Cost savings

A basis for all those involved is the be-all and end-all of any internationalization. A clear target market definition, clear coordination processes and clearly defined areas of responsibility avoid extra loops and everyone knows what needs to be done. Misunderstandings can be avoided, extra time buffers planned and better communication guaranteed. At the same time, possible internationalization options are thought through from the outset, which avoids changes and adjustments afterwards and thus saves costs.

Saving internal and external resources

A well thought-out concept for implementing an international website also makes the best possible use of internal and external costs and saves them at the same time. This is because clear areas of responsibility and a predefined timeline allow all the necessary parties to work smoothly. For example, internal marketing staff can provide direct support when capacities are available, so that no additional external resources are required.

Optimization of publishing processes

Thanks to the clear internal and external distribution of responsibilities, publishing processes can run optimally. For example, external translation service providers can be informed in advance of any relevant requirements, receive all the necessary content as quickly as possible and can get straight to work on the corresponding translations. At the same time, content managers are aware of the schedule and can quickly enter the translated texts into the system.

Increasing the speed of publication

The better the internationalization strategy is defined in advance, the more timeframes are adhered to and any challenges that may arise are taken into account, the faster translated content can be published, as inconsistencies can be avoided and a smooth process can be implemented.

The 5 phases of internationalizing a website and the corresponding processes and tasks are described below. In addition, rough time requirements can be viewed and a rough schedule is presented as an example. This is only a guideline and must be adapted depending on the size of the company, resources, products and/or services.

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Phase 1 - Target market definition

If possible, the 2-day workshop should take place at the company's headquarters and involve all relevant groups of people. Internally, these are the management, marketing, sales, product management, service and support. External resources in this phase would be consulting and also product managers.

The aim is to examine the current situation as well as the target situation of the markets so that the relevant target markets can be defined. The results of this phase form the basis for all further considerations and decisions.


Day 1 of the workshop

1. target markets | current situation
2. target markets | 5-year outlook
3. contact persons for the target markets (sales, service, support)
4. product / service portfolio per target market
5. spare parts service portfolio per market (retrospective to year X)
6. service and support per market
7. legal situation per market


Day 2 of the workshop

8. target markets | touchpoints of the current situation
9. target markets | touchpoints for 5-year outlook
10. contact persons of the target markets (sales, service, support)
11. product / service portfolio per target market | brand and / or product market
12. spare parts service portfolio per market | platforms in the target markets (retrospective to year X)
13. service and support per market | communication channels of the target markets
14. domain strategy (based on the previously developed results)



In order to achieve the best possible search engine results, guarantee good performance and successfully reach the target markets defined in phase 1, a comprehensive website analysis and the associated determination of key figures is absolutely essential.

The internal and external product managers are in close contact to ensure that all relevant information regarding home markets, target markets, products and services is available. Based on this, a keyword analysis is carried out to find the best keywords for the products/services and the company's own website is examined to identify any optimization potential. An analysis of an average of three competitors and specialist retailers is also recommended.



  1. Keyword analysis per target market and touchpoint
  2. Website and touchpoint analysis | current situation
  3. Traffic analysis per market (lead structure)
  4. Competitor analysis per market
  5. Retailer analysis per market



The workshop and the internationalization strategy in the third phase are based on the analysis results from phase 2, which are first presented and discussed in order to derive the internationalization strategy.

Components of the technical aspects of the strategy include content and campaign planning, which are based on the analyzed keyword sets and the defined functions and services per market. In order to be able to set up the subsequent page content and campaigns, a corresponding information architecture for each market is essential. This means that a fully functional content management system (CMS) must be selected and adapted if necessary. It is important here that, for example, descriptive texts must not be hard-coded in the source code, country-specific date formats must be stored and a language-dependent interface design must be available. The sum of these factors results in the internationalization strategy. Based on this, corresponding tasks are distributed internally and externally.



  1. Analysis results from phase 2 | Presentation
  2. Analysis results from phase 2 | Discussion & feedback
  3. Derivation for strategy development
  4. Information architecture per market
  5. Content planning per market
  6. Functions and service per market
  7. Campaign planning per touchpoint and market
  8. Clustering of markets | languages and functions
  9. Tracking concept and derivation of key figures per market and department



As soon as the website and the underlying CMS have been internationalized, users and the corresponding rights and roles can be assigned for future maintenance. At the same time, schedules for translating, entering new page content or any SEO adjustments are defined and the individual markets are prioritized. Quality assurance is then carried out: have the page and information structure been adhered to and have all pages been filled with content, does the language changeover work on all pages, are there any links that have been incorrectly linked and so on. Finally, the internationalization is approved.



  1. Cluster of markets
  2. Prioritization of the roll-outs
  3. Allocation of rights and roles per market
  4. Editorial planning per market
  5. Planning and booking translation service providers
  6. Adding new page content
  7. Document management per market
  8. Content delivery network (CDN) setup per market
  9. SEO adjustments per market
  10. Quality assurance
  11. Acceptance


Phase 5 - ROLL-OUT

In the final phase of the website internationalization strategy, all the changes mentioned by the company in the fourth phase are implemented. Final technical checks and corrections are made so that the individual websites per target market or language are taken online.