Know-How from A-Z

Digital knowledge explained quickly and simply

Click Through Rate (CTR)

The click-through rate is the ratio of clicks on an ad to the total number of ad impressions displayed. It answers the question: How many of the users to whom the ad was displayed clicked on the ad? The key figure therefore indicates the success of an ad and...

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Contao, which was released in 2006 under the name TYPOlight, is a free content management system that uses the PHP programming language. The CMS is suitable for both beginners and advanced users as well as medium-sized to large websites. In addition to the...

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Content Management System (CMS)

A content management system, or CMS for short, is software that is used to create and manage content, i.e. text, image or video content. CMSs are used to operate websites, but also other platforms such as an intranet or blog.


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Content Marketing

Content marketing is a marketing technique which, in contrast to traditional marketing, does not focus on the product but on strengthening a brand.

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