Know-How from A-Z

Digital knowledge explained quickly and simply


A tweet is a short message and can contain up to four photos, a GIF, a video or text. A tweet is posted on the social media platform Twitter. This was originally developed in 2006 as an SMS-based platform, which is where the character limit of 140 characters...

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TYPO3 is a free content management system that was developed by Kasper Skårhøj in 1997. The scripting language PHP forms the core, whereby the output is done in the browser using HTML and JavaScript and no special software is required. The TYPO3 CMS consists of...

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Uniform Resource Locator, or URL for short, is generally understood to mean an Internet address or web address. These are usually URLs of websites that can be called up in a web browser.

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The term usability generally describes the suitability for use of a digital product, such as software or a web application. According to the ISO standard DIN EN ISO 9241, usability is defined as "the extent to which a product can be used by specific users in a...

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