Know-How from A-Z

Digital knowledge explained quickly and simply

Meta data

Meta data is structured data that contains information about the various contents of a website, such as videos, images or web documents. Meta data is used to clearly structure website data. Meta data is used in HTML programming to record information for robots,...

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Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

A minimum viable product, or MVP for short, is based on the lean start-up method and describes a product that is launched on the market with only the most necessary core functions as soon as it is functional. On the one hand, the aim is to keep costs as low as...

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Mobile devices

Mobile devices are electronic devices that are used for various forms of communication. Due to their small size and low weight, they can be taken anywhere and are location-independent. In addition to network-independent voice and data communication, they also...

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Native application

A native application or native app is an app that has been individually developed for the operating systems of a particular end device, such as iOS, Android or Windows Phone. Native apps are usually offered free of charge or for a fee via the app stores of the...

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