Know-How from A-Z

Digital knowledge explained quickly and simply


Nudging is a strategy to persuade people to act in a certain way, whereby the nudging is perceived subconsciously or positively by the decision-makers. The decisive factor in nudging is that no coercion or pressure is exerted on users and no economic incentive...

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A so-called one-pager is a website whose entire content is displayed on a single page. This means that it usually does not contain a menu, subpages or categories. This means that it usually does not contain a menu, subpages or categories. One-pagers are often...

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OnPage optimization

On-page optimization, also known as on-site optimization, is part of search engine optimization (SEO) and includes all optimization measures that take place directly on the website. On-page optimization includes structural, technical and content-related aspects....

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Page Speed

Page speed refers to the loading time of a website on the internet. The loading time includes the time between sending a request and displaying the complete website. The loading time of a website has a major influence on the user experience (UX). A website with...

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